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Manuals For Training


The franchiser, [Name of the franchiser], and the franchisee, [Name of the franchisee], as set forth in their franchise agreement on [Date of the agreement] and as witnessed by [Name of the witness], have agreed to the following additional terms and conditions:

Franchisee will receive from the franchiser a standard guide or training manual for employees outlining and describing procedures that will enable franchisee to begin operation. The quantity of manuals and any additional copies of manuals will be at the written request of franchisee and under sole discretion of franchiser. The cost of shipping or cost to create new manuals may be charged to the franchisee. Any and all subject matter disclosed in operational manual may in no way be copied or disbursed to unauthorized persons. Manuals are to be treated as confidential material.

Franchiser Dated

Franchisee Dated

Witness Dated

Witness Dated